Support and development
Digital-agency “SPRING” are ready to provide a full range of services to guarantee your site uninterrupted performance and modernization.
Why clients pick us
Services for technical support sites will save you from having to keep a full-time webmaster. Your site will be handled by a whole team of specialists – designers, illustrators, programmers, layout designers, and copywriters.
We provide the most timely update of information and the elimination of errors affecting the correct operation of the site. According to practice, making changes takes from several hours to days.
Primary types of services:
- Filling and updating site content
- Processing text, graphic and tabular content
- Design elements change, site redesign
- Changes in the program modules of the site, programming
- Creation of additional forms of displaying information on the site
- Monitoring and maintenance of the technical condition of the site
- Site information security
- Keeping copies of the site with the subsequent restoration if necessary
- Consulting on site issues